The Birth of a New Year

One of my first thoughts when I woke up this morning was that I’ve been actively dreaming about my father quite a bit. It comes as no surprise, having lost him unexpectedly this past October. The part that IS surprising is that I don’t often dream about people I know. Or when I do, I... Continue Reading →

Goodnight Mama

If you’ve followed me for awhile or know me well, you are aware of the rocky relationship I’ve always had with my mother. I always knew that one day she would no longer be around, and that I would struggle with our relationship when I could no longer do anything about it. That day came.... Continue Reading →

The Measure of Man

I figured the title would grab you. I wanted it to say “How to Measure a Man” and knew there would be some who would make that into something sexual, or into bashing, or something it really didn’t mean. In this writing, I’m talking about all of man….mankind. It’s been on my mind for a... Continue Reading →

The Life Before You

“Write, DAMMIT”. The familiar words tumble across my phone screen as they sometimes do. I never know what time, or day, I will receive the message. But when too much time has gone by my Joe will reach out across the miles to remind me that I have a passion, and perhaps a minutia of... Continue Reading →

Hey hey Joe

I woke to the sound of the 4:54 this morning, feeling inspired for the first time in awhile to write a few thoughts down. I don’t know if that train is really the 4:54, and I have no idea where it goes or what it has on it (people or products), but that is the... Continue Reading →

Goddesses & Other Fragile Beings

I have been told I write a lot about relationships and death. Guilty as charged. I do often write about family dynamics, love relationships, and the relationships we have with our children. It’s not an intentional thing, more often than not I’m just doing a mind dump. Put your seatbelt on and stay on the... Continue Reading →

Hello Universe

Life isn’t what I would call a “one and done”. I joke about that phrase when I reference having children, that I was one and done. I use that same reference when I speak of tattoos for myself, I’m a one and done. But the rest of life…well it can be messy, can’t it? It... Continue Reading →


The people close to me know the story, but the time has come to share it. It's pretty personal. I'll omit names to protect others' privacy, but my people I keep close will know the serious details. My friend's dad passed away. Over a year ago. But it's as raw to me today as the... Continue Reading →

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